About Me
- Name: meTaL
- Location: Bengaluru, India
Born in Rajasthan, wetted beds in Assam, wasted my wonder years at Kolkata, goofed around in the Deccan, refreshed by the Shab-e-Malwa landed up in the Garden City...still going nowhere
flash K c a B
- Non drug induced haze
- Test results are out !!
- Guess whoz back...
- Semesterly Review
- Of cognitive decay and its simulation
- Mid Exam Chhuti Crisis
- Debut
You are visitor no. since July 2, 2005
At 1/7/05 03:09,
Arpit said…
wat crap.. has all ur ingenuity & creativity dat a narcissist like u boast of has gone drown the drain... another survey result as a post :(
come on metaL.. we desereve better than this..
At 1/7/05 05:14,
meTaL said…
whatever gave you the ridiculously false impression that I satisfy any of the criteria remotely related to the concept of narcissism? Just because I do not indulge in vulgar portrayals of obscene levels of desperation in public, doesn't mean I am obsessed with myself. And unlike someone I know, I do not write to attract attention.
At 1/7/05 09:32,
Bhavesh said…
roflol metal... arpit, dont mess wid metal!!! :D
the only reason i am doin dis survey is the MIT tag that it carries and statistic, well thats kindof good (?) and reminds me of Chandler(only diehard fans will understand dat one).
At 1/7/05 09:58,
Bhavesh said…
isn't that cheatin? u can put up anthing that you want - statistic, bell curve, science, etc.
At 2/7/05 04:32,
Anonymous said…
no wonder u chose statistic... and sad that they have only three... there sould be an option to create ur own tag after all that shit u went thru on that site...
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